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Jesus said, "I have come so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve

10 Things that helped make our Christmas Eve a great one:

1.) The Hoeh family...20 years ago they lost a son near Christmas in the hospital. On Christmas Day, someone brought them a meal at the hospital. To remember and honor that kindness, their extended family now prepares and serves Christmas Eve dinner at the Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House, and even makes sure Santa shows up at the end of the meal. What an example of service!

2.) D.J. (we've previously requested prayer for him and his foster mom Terry) was able to move from hospital to RMH today...awe

3.) Leander (a 2 1/2 year old guest at the RMH) was able to have his 1st successful bronch ever yesterday, and the doctors discovered he has vocal cords (they've never been able to confirm this before)...and his parents' smiles afterward.

4.) Family around the country...wish we could be with you on Christmas, and we hope you have a wonderful day!

5.) Prayerful support of many people.

6.) Referrals of 2 beautiful Rwandan children which came earlier than expected but right in line with God's timing.

7.) The opportunity to be at an outstanding hospital with an outstanding medical staff.

8.) A smooth day for Josiah.

9.) Graeter's Ice Cream

10.) Luke 2

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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