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Jesus said, "I have come so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another great day...and we're thanful

Last night was a great night for Josiah...he actually slept until about 7:30 this morning, which is sleeping in for him (he's been getting up 6 AM-ish). He was moved from PICU back to the airway section, which means he was able to make trips to the play room today. On his trip tonight he got to play Medical Bingo (ex: "N-rubber gloves") and won a cool blue 18-wheel truck (see attached picture).

His bronch will be Wednesday morning as originally planned. Even if it goes great (and they expect it to), the earliest he'll be let out of the hospital is Thursday, especially since it was after the last bronch that he started having some issues...they don't think it was necessarily bronch-related, but they want to keep us under watch that night. They've also advised us to stay at Ronald McDonald house over the next week rather than with some friends since RMH is so much closer to the hospital.

Tomorrow Silas flies from FL to NM where Papa B will pick him up and take him to Colorado for the next week or so. He and I will be reunited early the morning of the 17th when we meet at the ABQ airport to fly to SC for a family wedding...I am looking forward to seeing him so much!

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